Four Seasons - Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter

Hello everyone, today we gonna talk to you about Four Seasons. which season first come and we will talk to about the weather too.

Four Seasons - Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter

Four Seasons - Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter

Spring: In the year the first season is Spring which month starts from the first and all animals and Plants are rising and awakening. and people are very happy at that time.

Gardner Grow Plants to prepare something for his child and his home. in the Spring entire Plants grow. all Gardner Prepare the Land to grow Plants on it.

Summer: the second season of the year is Summer when Gardner grows plants, When the fruit is ripe, gardeners sell it to their market to earn income and maintain their family income.

And at the same time, there is a lot of fruit and people eat a good amount of it, and fruit is very beneficial for health. And Pomegranate is good for the blood, it increases the blood flow easily.

Autumn (Fall): When it's autumn, any plants that are green are often withered, and any fruit that is scarce in the markets becomes expensive if the fruit is scarce. And you have to prepare the soil in the fall so that we can prepare for the next year when the yield will be more.

If the weather is bad for our health, we should use a mask to keep our health healthy and protect our body's skin.

Winter: Winter is one of the seasons that no one can benefit from in this season, so it is necessary to benefit from it in other seasons and eat it in winter. Because winter is very hard for people to work, people sleep more in winter. So please God that we have received the information and it has been useful for you, so we hope that you like our page and pass it on to other friends, thank you very much!
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